I am a lover of animals and adventures. I thrive as a perpetually curious world-traveling yogi, writer, teacher and intuitive healer.
As someone who has been highly intuitive since childhood, I've always taken an interest in understanding the deeper layers of life. As I began to practice yoga and meditation in 2010, I realized that I felt inclined to step into the role of teacher. I dedicated a large amount of my free time to deepening my relationship with myself and cultivating relationships with those who would foster my development.
I became a Certified Yoga Teacher in Colorado in 2013. I deeply resonated with the teachings of the energetics of the chakra system, rooted in traditional Indian teachings. It introduced me to a pivotal lens from which to relate to my physical and spiritual self simultaneously.
I found the chakra system to offer a profound level of clarity and spiritual understanding that I was able to incorporate into my personal life and eventually into my professional life as a teacher. Since 2014 I have taught workshops and series on the chakras. I also had the pleasure of contributing to Yoga Teacher Trainings at the Yoga Center of Steamboat.
In May of 2015 I learned to practice reiki under the instruction of Lourdes Gray of the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing in Boston. Reiki is a Japanese healing technique designed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is essential to healing injuries. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients of both the human and animal varieties over the years.
I've spent over a decade practicing and teaching varied styles of yoga and meditation. I am certified to teach meditation, yoga and reiki, which I have enjoyed very much. I exclusively teach yin and restorative styles of yoga and often incorporate elements of yoga nidra into my instruction as well. In 2020 I led two First Degree Reiki certification courses, in CO and in MN.
Each of these practices has added perspective to my own life and a depth of understanding as a support for others. I have found that approaching wellness from a multifaceted approach brings depth that may not be reached by one method alone.
I have since developed a one-on-one reiki practice and personalized collection of experiential practices which are intended to help alleviate stress and improve overall quality of life.
My passion for social justice and equality, specifically those who have been systematically marginalized, keeps me focused on the importance of healing. Please inquire for sliding-fee and free services.
Our wellbeing is interconnected.
My goal as a human, teacher and writer is to always leave those I interact with feeling heard, nurtured, inspired and empowered.